How Effective is Google AdWords In Helping Business Owners?

How Effective Is Google AdWords in Helping Business Owners?

Google AdWords effectivenessIf you are a small to medium size business, or an new entrepreneur , you’ve probably asked yourself several questions like:

  • How relevant is Google AdWords in the online marketing space? 
  • Is Google AdWords going to fulfill my marketing goals?
  • Should I even try competing against big companies and popular searches or keywords?

The short answer is absolutely! Google AdWords is still relevant regardless of the stage a business is in.

A Great Method of Getting Your Business Noticed

For any industry or brand, you will have a niche target audience that your product or service is aimed towards.

More importantly, reaching new customers at a larger scale will undoubtedly require you to invest effort into your online presence. 

This is an exciting time of growth because the digital world is infinitely developing which provides many opportunities for businesses. It is essential to understand that word-of-mouth business can only work to a certain degree.

Your online presence is determined by a number of factors such as:

  • Facebook and Instagram business page
  • YouTube channel
  • Google My Business Listing
  • Website
  • Implementing SEO and lead generation tools
  • Pay Per Click Advertising on search engines
  • Social boosting on different platforms
  • Podcasts
  • Pinterest boards
  • LinkedIn and join groups

How Can I Optimize My Google AdWords Strategy?

Advertising on Google is a great way to kickstart your marketing campaign. Whether you are a small start up business or a large established company.

Being in front of your target audience during micro-moments is crucial. It is certainly these micro-moments that attract new clients and phone calls.

A micro-moment is when an individual turns to a device to act on a need. This includes people educating, working, purchasing, or entertaining themselves using technology like their mobile devices.

If you pay attention to how this phenomenon works, you will notice how quickly it influences the customer’s purchasing journey and ultimately how important it is.

Most people these days are digesting digital information through smartphones rather tablets or desktops. They certainly want fast solutions while on-the-go.

Google AdWords allows leverage with these micro-moments and help influence their instant decisions.

A scenario of a micro-moment would be: A student leaving the college campus and typing in “restaurants near me” for a quick bite to eat.

As a local business you want to intercept this micro-moment to influence them to pick your restaurant among the competition in the Google Search Query.

Therefore, the local business should have their name, address, and phone up to date and filled online. Sites like Google My Business, Facebook, YELP, and TripAdvisor are high ranking sites that should be up-to-date on your business.

This is extremely effective…

When a potential customer sees the offer “20% off Lunch special from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Walk-ins only”, that restaurant has very high chance of winning their decision in that exact moment.

Consequently, if you were not advertising on Google, the student would have taken the next restaurant using Google Ads.

As result, you should expect to observe an increased (but not entirely guaranteed) in the following:

  1. Return on investment
  2. Online traffic
  3. Sales or conversions
  4. Brand awareness initiative

Additionally, by winning the first page spot on a Google search result, you open yourself up to new demographics and target audiences you may have been unaware of.

The student will tell other students about the lunch special which provides the opportunity to expand your business.

For example by creating “student discounts” rather than everyone receiving 20% off, you can choose to hone in on a niche market.

When using Google Ads, it is important that you select the right campaign set up to reach the right audience and to hit your exact key performance indicators (KPIs).

Adfuel Can Help Manage Your Business’s Google AdWords Strategy

There are various Google AdWords marketing options available. Options such as search, display, shopping and video campaigns will help meet your marketing goals.

Furthermore, selecting the right keywords and doing competitor research will be the last component to help establish a successful campaign.

With our team of experienced  digital marketers, we will ensure your Google Ads campaigns receives the traffic and meet your KPIs.

Not sure where to start? Our team of experts here at Adfuel  would be happy to help.

Contact us today and get your business noticed on the Google network!

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